Accident pains, safety doesn't. Indeed, the workplace safety is of paramount importance to us. We acknowledge that in consequence of recent incidents of fire and building failures in Bangladesh, our alertness to workplace fire and building safety issues has sharpened. We have instantly taken few protective as well as 'creative destruction' steps to attain a higher standard in this respect. We decided to close down our operations in all rented shared premises irrespective of the safety standards. We have re-visited the building, fire and electrical safety standards of all our existing facilities by local, and where necessary, international qualified agencies. As per expert recommendation, we are now upgrading them. We have also made sure that all our new facilities are using latest technology conforming to local and international fire and building safety codes.
The entire electro-mechanical system is designed in compliance with BNBC-2006 as well as relevant BS, IEC and ANSI standards.
Electrical wiring is done conforming to BNBC-2006 standards and wiring regulations of BS 7671:2008. Electrical cables used are fire resistant low smoke (FRLS) type which reduces the chances of fire originating from electrical short circuits and rodents. All five cables of a circuit are custom color coded that conforms to international color code standards which minimizes accidental electrocution of maintenance staff. Cables are also drawn through fire resistant, self-extinguishing and non-supportive to combustion, non-corrosive, and resistant to acids conduits to eliminate chances of fire originating from electrical system.
Highly efficient electrical panel boards manufactured in the UK conforming to BNBC-2006 and BS safety standards are installed. Earthings of electrical system and protection from lightning are designed conforming to BNBC-2006 and BS 7430:2011.
Entire HAVAC, steam and compressed air systems are designed conforming to BNBC-2006, BS, IEC, ASHERA, ANSI and ASTM standards so that chances of fire originating from the production floor is almost nil
High quality heat sensor and smoke detector alarm systems are maintained for early fire detection and warning.
Automatic sprinkler systems are installed to spray water in the fire zone upon sensing fire existence. Fire extinguishers are placed and maintained in recommended easily accessible places. In-built facilities in factory premises like gravity flow water tank, internal roadside fire hydrants for plug-in fire engine's water hose are designed conforming to BNBC-2006, Part 4 and NFPA.
All doorways, stairways, ramps and fire escape stairs are designed as a means of egress, conforming to BNBC-2006, Part 4 codes.
Similar to fire safety, the following comprehensive measures are taken in securing building's solid foundation and structure and thereby safety of the buildings.
Buildings are designed to comply with the relevant BNBS as well as ASTM and ASHRAE standards by a team of highly qualified overseas and local consultants. They are designed to withstand a wind load of 210 km/hour. Buildings are also made using Seismic Coefficient of 0.08 in order to prevent collapse due to earthquakes.
Key materials used for construction undergo rigorous
testing at different stages. During the construction, random sampling
is done and further tests are carried out to ensure that concretes are
achieving the desired design strength. Post construction, SCHMIDT hammer
test, concrete core sampling tests as well as ultra- sound test at key
construction points are carried out to ensure that the desired results
have been achieved.
Besides fire and building safety, we also stress the importance of
health and other accident preventions at the work place. This
encompasses creating the job environment in conjunction with the
physical and physiological capabilities and limitations of the
employees. Varying tasks during the day and giving smaller breaks at
certain intervals are some of the specifics. We also do our best to
reduce sources of environmental stress - such as heat, glare, or noise.